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Shanghai Jinjiang Metropolo Classiq East Nanjing Road Hotel (Jinjiang Metropolo Hotel Classiq (Shanghai Nanjing East Road The Bund)), 이 는 유명한 상하 이 외 탄 난 징 동 로 에 위치 하고 그림 같은 황포 강 양안 경관 을 바탕 으로 한다.강 을 건 너 면 상하 이 루 쟈 입 중심 지역 으로 직통 할 수 있 고 번화 한 상업 역 사 를 가 진 난 징 로, 예원, 인민 광장, 상하 이 박물관, 대극 장 과 두 사 부인 밀랍 인형 관 등 관광 지 를 걸 을 수 있다.
호텔 주변 상가 에는 신세계 환 백화점, 중앙 상가, 항기 명인 광장, 홍 이 국제 광장, 치 디 광장, 보 따 샹 청소년 어린이 쇼핑 센터, 상하 이 신세계 타 운, 100 번 째 물건 과 후 쿠 스 광장 이 있 고 주변 기함 점 인 상하 이 서성, 애플 측 전매점, 레 고 브랜드 플래그 십 스토어, JORDAN 운동화, 상하 이 제일 식품 상점 이 있다.엠 콩 초콜릿 월 드, 디즈니 쇼핑 플래그 십 스토어, 그리고 세계 일 선 럭 셔 리 브랜드 전문 점.
호텔 은 남양 브 라 더 스 은행 이 있 는 곳 이 고 주체 건축 은 20 세기 20 년대 에 그 당시 에 유명한 C. LUTHY. S. I. A. 에 의 해 설계 되 었 고 백 년 에 가 까 운 변천 을 겪 었 으 며 상하 이 탄 근대 의 역사 변천 을 지 켜 보 았 다. 해방 이후 에 도 정부 와 유명 회사 의 사무실 이 되 었 다.호텔 내 부 는 Art Deco 와 해외 파 요 소 를 주요 디자인 스타일 로 한다.
호텔 은 백 여 개의 특색 을 가 진 객실 이 있 는데 각 객실 의 가구 장식 은 정성 을 들 여 선택 하거나 전문 적 으로 주문 제작 한 것 으로 중국 전통 과 현대 의 디자인 요 소 를 결합 시 켜 출가 하 는 것 처럼 따뜻 하면 서도 놀 라 운 디 테 일 을 가진다.
호텔 은 두 개의 크기 와 규격 을 갖 춘 회의실 로 다양한 수 요 를 충족 시 키 는 것 이 비 즈 니스 출장 과 관광 쇼핑 의 이상 적 인 선택 이다.
[자세한 소개]
호텔 FAQ
  • 이 호텔은 Pudong International Airport Shanghai 에서 얼마나 떨어져 있습니까?

    공항에서 메트로폴로 클래시크, 상하이, 오프 번드 31.2km.

  • 메트로폴로 클래시크, 상하이, 오프 번드 은(는) 공항 셔틀을 운행합니까?

    예, 예약 후 연락 주시기 바랍니다.

  • 메트로폴로 클래시크, 상하이, 오프 번드 의 체크인 & 체크아웃 시간은 어떻게 되나요?

    체크인 시간은 14:00이후, 체크아웃 시간은 12:00이전.

  • 메트로폴로 클래시크, 상하이, 오프 번드 에 수영장과 체육관 있나요?

    호텔에는 체육관이 있지만 수영장은 없습니다. 수영장 및 다른 시설에 대한 상세 내용은 이 페이지에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.

  • 메트로폴로 클래시크, 상하이, 오프 번드 내에 레스토랑이 있나요?

    네, 호텔에서 먹을 수 있습니다.

  • 메트로폴로 클래시크, 상하이, 오프 번드 광대역 또는 Wi-Fi가 있습니까?

    예, 자세한 내용은 호텔 프런트 데스크에 문의하십시오.

  • 메트로폴로 클래시크, 상하이, 오프 번드 선불로 결제 하시겠습니까?

    저희에게 연락하기 전에 주문을 제출하십시오.

  • 메트로폴로 클래시크, 상하이, 오프 번드 신용카드로 결제하실 수 있으며?

    아니요, 호텔은받지 않습니다.

  • 메트로폴로 클래시크, 상하이, 오프 번드 의 아침 식사는 얼마입니까?

    식사 CNY88 / 사람.

  • 메트로폴로 클래시크, 상하이, 오프 번드 의 숙박 요금은 얼마인가요?

    집값에서 CNY848 위안이, 숙박 날짜나 호텔 정책 등에 따라 숙박 요금이 달라질 수 있습니다.

  • 푸동 공항에서 호텔까지 지하철을 이용할 수 있습니까? 호텔에 도착하는데 얼마나 걸립니까?

    공항에는 호텔 근처의 지하철역으로 바로가는 지하철이 있습니다. 푸동 공항에서 지하철을 타고 난징 이스트로드 (Nanjing East Road)에서 하차 한 후, 2 호선을 타고 와이탄 (Bund)까지 5 분 정도 걸어 가면 피스 호텔 (Peace Hotel) 옆에 있습니다.

고객 후기 더
  • allen_leon
    The location of the hotel is very good. It's close to the subway station. The facilities in the room are very new. The toilet can hardly be used. The door of the hotel is not very conspicuous. You may miss it if you are not careful. Dissatisfied with the fact that the house price only includes single early, it seems a little stingy.
  • bartontang
    The hotel is still relatively small and well located. It's almost the Bund when you go out. You can also see the Oriental Pearl. The front desk saw that I brought two children with me. I also considerately upgraded the room type for free, and took the initiative to ask for a crib. It's very considerate. The bathroom is divided into shower and toilet, and bathtub. Very good ~ surprise, of course, the price is not cheap. On the whole, it's OK.
  • flora_wind
    The hotel is in a very good location. Walking distance to the bund, E. Nanjing Road, Metro line. At first it was very peaceful and quite in the room. But when I get ready to sleep there is some kind of water pipe shaking or something like this very annoying noise every 3-5 minutes. It is really annoying. Other than that it was a good stay.
  • D05392935
    The hotel is located on Nanjing East Road. It's very convenient to go to all places. It's good to book customers in this place. The room is a little small. Everything else is OK. Originally wanted to upgrade, the front desk said it could give a better room facing south.
  • jessefly
    Not bad, good location, the hotel is a little difficult to find, the equipment is passable, and the breakfast is a little poor
  • gtao199807
    The courtyard doesn't feel good. It's in a good position. It's very close to Nanjing Road and the Bund
  • Cat brazing Jin
    Less like good
  • lucydeng
    The surrounding environment of the hotel is good, very close to the pedestrian street, and the service is average
  • always0112
    It's a good location to bring your parents on holiday.
  • cc07084213
    Very convenient,
  • mxjerry
    Five star hotel with high cost performance near the Bund!
  • gongriyue
    The location is very good. The Bund is on the left and Nanjing road is on the right. It's a good choice to travel. The hotel is next door to the peace hotel. You can see the green shed. Take the elevator to the second floor. The attitude of the staff was very good. Check in fast. The room is well equipped. Windows are not interior windows. They can be opened to promote air circulation. The drinks in the fridge are free. Breakfast was not bad. We have everything we should have. If not, it will increase in time. But the sound insulation was not good. After two nights, the waiter next door cleaned the room, and the sound of the vacuum cleaner could be heard clearly. Overall satisfied.
  • e05055446
    The price is a little expensive
  • luxibo
    Good hotel, good location, keep working hard.
  • luv_luv
    The hotel is very close to the Bund and the environment is very good
  • Scar Lee
    No, I can't see anything outside. It's depressing
  • lulu_6273
    The location is super close to the Bund, but there are too many tourists beside the hotel, which has both advantages and disadvantages. It's quiet inside. There's no noise in the room at all. The front desk service attitude of the hotel is very good. The service level of breakfast is average. Next time I take my family to travel, I will consider it!
  • ffcoltt
    The location of the hotel is good. You can only go to the Bund for 2 minutes. The reception at the front desk is enthusiastic. There are few things in the room. I didn't want them for two days, and then I didn't want them. Although there is little breakfast, it tastes OK. It's recommended to eat lunch outside
  • panjiafeng
    Convenient, good service quality, good location
  • aidsl
    The hotel is relatively new and well decorated. It is more affordable on the Bund.
  • denis7490
    It's close to the Bund
  • leonard x
    Yes, I can choose
  • bw3535
    The hotel is in the heart of the city and the rooms are clean and tidy. I'll stay next time.
  • puppet414
    The price is OK
  • e00437546
    Relatively new, cost-effective, recommended
  • ddlaid
    Good, good
  • e02904724
    In fact, it's not hard to find a hotel. I found it as soon as I found it. The hotel uses the modern popular constant temperature air conditioner, which can be adjusted freely. It's very good! The reception staff in the lobby were also very polite and friendly. Two more days!
  • Mario_ Sports Unlimited
    The transportation is convenient. The double bed room is very big. I will check in again next time
  • lynn422
    Generally, there was a problem at first, but later helped me solve it. At this price, there was no food in the room, just mineral water. I stayed for 3 days. Once I didn't change my slippers and once I didn't change my bed sheets! It's not worth the price!
  • abian08
    The price is a little expensive, but some facilities are not perfect
  • daiesc
    Cost effective, comfortable environment, superior location, next time still live here
  • joyapan
    The hotel is good, the rooms are clean and the service is considerate.
  • jy0618
    Very good location, good scenery. It was a good time to take a taxi
  • e00104379
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  • bland
    It's very close to the Bund and Nanjing East Road. It's very convenient to travel!
  • alongfeng
    The location is very good. It's convenient to go anywhere. The room is very comfortable. It is very rare to be located in the downtown without smelling the complexity outside the window. The equipment is also very complete. It is convenient to have tea and water heater plus an electric iron. There is also an electronic scale in the room. I tried it and weighed out my 27kg. I'm also drunk! It's estimated that the battery hasn't been replaced for a year or two. It's hard to use the telephone. The telephone outside the city can't be called out. The workers can't check it. There's something to do on a business trip and there's nothing to do without a domestic mobile phone! It must be said that I have lived abroad for many years, but I always only drink Chinese tea or similar green tea flower tea. I can find such bags of tea for breakfast in restaurants all over the world. I didn't expect to return to my motherland, but I can't find Chinese tea for breakfast in this Hotel. There is only a cheap British black tea similar to that provided on the plane, which is difficult to drink. After staying for three nights, I told two different people in the restaurant about this problem for two consecutive days (one of them seems to be the manager). They were only asked to prepare some hot water and bags of tea like that in the hotel room, but they never did. To the tea famous motherland, but can not drink decent tea, can only be speechless!
  • ffe_yun
  • liyixue
    Not bad
  • David-weiwei
    Excellent location, excellent service attitude.
  • coldsand
    The air conditioner makes a serious noise and can't sleep. I'm sorry for such a house price.
  • e00092007
    The environment is very good, clean, small but exquisite. It's very close to the Bund and Nanjing Road. There are many kinds of breakfast. The only thing is that the room you live in includes the experience of afternoon tea. Just two sandwiches. I haven't seen a drop of tea for half an hour, so don't add it.
  • inter2046
    The key to booking for a friend is a good location. The next night I upgraded the suite. I rated the hotel very well.
  • fay35
    Wife, they are still very satisfied, but the equipment is a little old
  • meimei1
    I feel convenient
  • yingying9696
    The room facilities are very good! It's close to the Bund!
  • cutieting86
  • E02489193
    The front door is not very conspicuous, but after going to the second floor, there is another cave. Breakfast is a bit out of class. Others are OK
  • sonia1024
    The price on the Bund is appropriate. The location is good. The hotel is relatively small, but I feel very good. I should choose it next time
  • babylinda_lee
    The hotel is conveniently located on Nanjing Road. It is convenient for eating, playing and shopping.
  • Goldminer
    The hotel is very good
  • cl1201
    Good! I will choose to live next time!
  • a77831913
    The second time I checked in, the room was very poor. It was in the corner and small. The room was opposite to the bathroom. It looked like a common space. I lost my sense of security. I was very disappointed
  • e03093202
    Convenient traffic. Mainly to see Nanjing East Road and the Bund. The service was also very considerate. I made an appointment for a taxi to the airport the next morning. I was very satisfied with the service. Good overall ~
  • liurui0708
    A friend said the hotel was great and the location was good
  • mjones3
    The location is good. I will live here when I come to Shanghai
  • iceberry
    The location of the hotel is very good, the service is very good, the room is clean, tidy, warm, very fashionable, the hotel is small, the grade is not low, it is worth checking in. No, breakfast is easier. It happens that the watermelon is not very good in the morning and the quality is poor. It needs to be improved.